Code of Conduct for Ministry Workers
In developing Zion Covenant Reformed Church – Imus’ Code of Conduct, we have drawn inspiration and adapted material from the Code of Conduct established by the Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA) and the Christian Reformed Churches of Australia (CRCA). We express gratitude for their valuable insights, and our local Code of Conduct reflects the distinctive needs and context of our Reformed Church community.
As members of this Reformed Church community, we recognize the significance of grounding our ethical standards in the rich theological heritage of the Westminster Larger Catechism (WLC). When discerning any potential breach of this Code of Conduct, we encourage a thoughtful examination in light of the biblical and doctrinal principles outlined in the WLC. The Catechism provides a solid foundation for ethical living and will guide our understanding of moral responsibilities within our community.
In the Reformed ecclesiology and polity, biblical principles guide ethical conduct, and Elders or overseers, ministry workers are expected to uphold these principles as they serve in positions of leadership or ministry. The verses cited highlight the importance of integrity, avoiding selfish ambition, and exercising prudence in leadership roles within the context of a Reformed church.
The following Code of Conduct has undergone review, and the preceding text is adapted and approved by the Council Members of Zion Covenant Reformed Church – Imus , on the 14th day of April, in the year of our Lord, 2024.