

Growing Together in the Reformed Faith

Latest Seminars & Classes

Ecumenical Creeds and Reformed Confessions

On the necessity and benefits of the historic creeds and confessions for today's church and Christians
Rev. Dr. Carl Trueman discusses how the use of Creeds and Confessions unites us with all of God's people throughout history and takes us deeper in our faith.
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The Doctrine of Trinity in History & Scriptures

A historical, biblical and Gospel-centered discussion on the doctrine of the Trinity
Dr. Charles Lee Irons discusses the doctrine of the Trinity through the lens of history and from Scriptures, as well as how it shapes our understanding of the gospel of our salvation.
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Christ, Kingdom and Culture

Lectures on God's kingdom and rule on our earthly pilgrimage
Several guest speakers from OPC, URCNA, and WSCal explain the how God's covenant in Christ and his kingdom is realized in today's culture, government and society at large.
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Biblical Leadership

A biblical discussion on the office-bearers of the church
Rev. Nollie Malabuyo and Rev. Lance Filo explains the basis and foundation for church leadership, as well as the biblical qualifications for those called to such office.
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Christ the Covenant Mediator

A Reformation conference on Covenant Theology
Rev. Dr. Dennis Johnson guides us on how God unfolded and fulfilled his covenant through the course of time in the Bible. That’s from Adam until Jesus Christ.
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Canons of Dort

An explanation and exhortation
Rev. John A. Bouwers explains the reformed doctrinal standards adopted by the great Reformed Synod of Dordrecht in 1618-1619, which set forth the doctrines of unconditional election, limited atonement, total depravity, irresistible grace, and the perseverance of the saints.
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