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The Basis of Our Unity: Ecumenical Creeds and Reformed Confessions

Christianity around the world has never appeared more fragmented than today. But while many Evangelicals and modern Protestant churches fear Creeds and Confessions, and would rather formulate their own “Statements of Faith,” Reformed churches believe that these historic documents are key to our unity and maturity in the faith.

What are “creeds and confessions?” Isn’t the Bible enough? Don’t these man-made documents replace the inspired Word of God?

On the thrid and final day of the “ZCRC (Imus) Reformed Conference 2021,” we have the privilege of having Rev. Dr. Carl Trueman discuss the history, foundation, importance, and benefits of Creeds and Confessions for the church today. As these historic documents provide Christians a comprehensive statement of the Bible’s central doctrine, they unite us with all of God’s people throughout history and take us deeper in our faith.

Lecture 1: Challenges to Creeds and Confessions

Why do Reformed churches use creeds and confessions? And how does the modern culture challenge this? In his first lecture, Rev. Dr. Carl Trueman gives us a survey of how the modern thinking and culture mistakenly rejects the value and use of creeds and confessions.

Watch the Lecture and Read the Manuscript Here

Lecture 2: Foundations of Creedalism

What is the basis for using creeds and confessions? What is the source and foundation of these historic documents? Far from being an unnecessary attempt to replace the Bible as the only and ultimate authority for life and doctrine, Rev. Dr. Carl Trueman helps us see that the value and use of Creeds and Confessions are actually implied and supported by the Word of God.

Watch the Lecture and Read the Manuscript Here

Lecture 3: Importance of Creeds and Confessions

Isn’t these historic creeds written down centuries past irrelevant now in our modern age and culture? In his final lecture, Rev. Dr. Carl Trueman encourages us that using creeds and confessions practically allows us to engage with other Christians throughout history concerning worship, church life, and other teaching. While the Bible regulates and shapes our faith and thinking, creeds and confessions help enrich that faith and Christian life.

Watch the Lecture and Read the Manuscript Here

Q&A Session

Watch below as the speaker answer the questions from the attendees concerning the topic.

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