Walking in the Way of the Lord (Psalm 1 and Matthew 7:13-29)
INTRODUCTION Our Master Teacher, Jesus Christ, issues a call for his disciples to follow. He challenges his hearers not only marvel at this teaching but more
INTRODUCTION Our Master Teacher, Jesus Christ, issues a call for his disciples to follow. He challenges his hearers not only marvel at this teaching but more
INTRODUCTION We are down to the last two topics from the Sermon on the Mount. At this point, Jesus concludes by emphasizing the importance of
INTRODUCTION We continue our study of the Lord’s Prayer. I draw heavily from Dr. Zacharias Ursinus’ Commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism for this. I find
Introduction We come now in our portion of Scripture where Jesus teaches his disciples how to pray. In context, it is in section of the
Introduction Jesus ends his exposition of the law and now begins applying them in the lives of his disciples. He focuses their attention on the
INTRODUCTION We are ending our series on God’s law with the second pair of three. A series of three’s are learning methods used by the
Introduction A regenerate heart is made evident by loving God and others. It loves God and his laws. It obeys the law beyond externalization, from a
Introduction The Reformers recovered the gospel from the superstitious and corrupt practices of the Medieval Christian church. The reformed church returned to pure preaching the
Introduction We now come to the next topic after the Beatitudes. After hearing how God grants kingdom virtues to his people, we now transition in
SERMON MANUSCRIPT By Rev. Lance Filio Introduction Finally, we are ending our sermon on the beatitudes. There are two more beatitudes left to expound. They
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