O, Deliver Us from Evil (Matthew 6:9-13; Heidelberg Catechism LD 52)
Main Scripture Text Introduction Good afternoon po! Today is the last Sunday of the year, and so we are already on the last Lord’s Day
Main Scripture Text Introduction Good afternoon po! Today is the last Sunday of the year, and so we are already on the last Lord’s Day
Introduction Good afternoon po. We shall continue our study on the Lord’s Prayer with the help of Heidelberg Catechism. Last week, we started looking at
INTRODUCTION Continuation of series on Heidelberg Catechism On the previous Lord’s Day (LD 46), we studied the first line of the Lord’s Prayer, “Our Father,
INTRODUCTION Clarify last Sermon’s statement: “Prayer is natural to the Christian soul” Examples of prayer from a changed heart and mind within (e.g., when crossing
INTRODUCTION Decision to tackle “prayer” in Lord’s Day 45, instead of resuming the series on Mark (same theme with 1 Peter) or resume where we
Introduction We all experience tiredness, suffering, fears, and anxieties We all long for rest, comfort, peace, and security Sermon’s Focus — One of the most
INTRODUCTION: Is Christ truly present in the Lord’s Supper? Does the bread and wine become the real body and blood of Christ? Most importantly, how
Compared with Hymns and Creeds, Infant Baptism is more challenging to accept as we transfer to ZCRC Imus I had a very shallow understanding of
Sermon Reading by Bro. Reuel Dawal (Prepared by Rev. Lance Filio) I grew up in a church where I was baptized as an infant. I
Lord’s Day 23 and 24 establish the truth that our salvation is not by our works but through faith alone in Jesus Christ and his
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