Preaching: Rev. Nollie Malabuyo
* All who are able, please stand.
Entering Into Worship
* Call to Worship Psalm 127:1-5
* Invocation Psalm 124:8
* Salutation 1 Timothy 1:2; 1 Peter 1:2
Grace be unto you and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ in the power and fellowship of the Holy Spirit.
* Opening Prayer
O IMMORTAL Lord God, who inhabits eternity, and has brought us, your unworthy servants, to the beginning of another year: Pardon, we most humbly pray, our sins in the past, and graciously abide with us all the days of our life; guard and direct us in all trials and temptations, that by your blessing we may grow in grace as we grow in years, and at the last may finish our lives with joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with the Father and the Holy Ghost lives and reigns, one God, forever. Amen.
* Song of Praise Unless the LORD the House Shall Build (Psa 127) #269:1-4
Confession of Sin
Reading of the Law Colossians 3:18-25
General Confession
Almighty and most gracious God, as we arrive at the beginning of another year, we thank you for all your tender mercies bestowed upon us during the whole course of our lives, especially during this past year. We therefore offer unto you the sacrifice of our praises, and we acknowledge, that through your great goodness and help, we are enabled to pass our years in peace, although we have offended you in innumerable ways. O merciful God, pardon all who sincerely repent of their sins. Grant that, while our years are passing away, we may work out our salvation with fear and trembling in the time you give to us. Enable us to press onward always toward the end of our heavenly calling, even that blessed eternity, which Jesus Christ your Son, our Lord, has prepared for us. Amen.
Assurance of Pardon Jeremiah 31:31-34
Response of Gratitude
Song of Thanksgiving My Song Forever Shall Record #169:1, 3
Responsive Reading of the Creed Belgic Confession Article 34 Paragraph 5
COVENANT BAPTISM OF IAN LUTHER SARMIENTO (using the Form for Infant Baptism written by the Liturgical Forms and Confessions Committee of the 2012 Synod of the United Reformed Churches in North America)
Congregational Prayer
Service of the Word
* Scripture Lessons Exodus 4:24-26 (text); Gen 17:10-14; Col 2:11-12
* Gloria Patri
* Song of Preparation The Tender Love a Father Has #205:1, 4, 5
Sermon “Cut Off from His People”
1. Moses is the “Bridegroom of Blood”
2. Zipporah Despises the “Blood”
3. Bloody “Cutting Off” Saved Moses
Leaving to Serve
* Song of Consecration Let Children Hear the Mighty Deeds (Psa 78) #150:1-2
* Doxology Praise Ye the LORD, for He is Good #211:1, 23
* Benediction Numbers 6:24-26
* Amen! Three-Fold Amen

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