- Tell the story of finding one’s self by reading an old diary from our ancestors.
- We read and learn from the book of Acts to know how the church began and to know what it means be Christ’s church.
- We will examine our text to inform us of what happened. Then, I will explain my key take-aways to convince you of its importance. Finally, you will hear from me how I believe we are called to live our lives in the light such realities.
- Prayer: Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which you have given us in our Savior, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
The Completion of the Twelve
- The apostles simply followed the commands of Christ as he leads them by his Spirit. It is not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit (Zechariah 4:6). Christ did not leave and simply abdicated or even delegated his ministry for his disciples to continue. Instead, the consummation of the kingdom is by his Word and Spirit. God is in charge and in control.
- Peter learning from his sins turned away from self-reliance and followed Christ in his Word. He learned how to pray with God’s people and apply Scripture in lives of his people. He waited on God but did not let go and let God. He actively exhorted his people to trust God’s promises and provisions.
- He accepted the importance of the fulfilment of Jesus’ earthly ministry, his life, death and resurrection and he recognizes the importance of the Twelve apostles as witnesses to this inauguration of God’s kingdom.
- He preached on Psalm 69 and 109
- He recognized David as a prophet and Psalms as Scripture inspired by the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:21)
- Questions re: Continuity and Discontinuity. As per Dr. Dennis Johnson. It is never a case of nothing and everything.
- Permanence of maintaining 12 disciples – James the son of Zebedee dies in Acts and was not anymore replaced
- Choosing by Drawing lots – Acts 6 tells us of churches selecting their leaders
- It is the Word that creates the Church and not vice-versa.
Living Between Two Ages
- Follow Christ’s commands unconditionally and absolutely.
- The Lord’s work done in human energy is not the Lord’s work any longer. – Francis Schaeffer
- Belong with God’s people wholeheartedly
- Praying and Learning God’s Word together
- Conform to God’s Word daily and promptly
- Yes, we are Lord’s Day Christians and publicly worship God every Sunday but we also worship God daily in our lives in our personal activities and even private worship.
- It is hard to follow Christ because we think we can do better than him but remember a servant can never be better than his master (John 15:20). This is a warning both for all sinners, unbelievers and believers. We need to put to death autonomy. As Christians, it simply does not work because we can never be independent beings. Apply to those seeking happiness by autonomy. The age to come in Christ as new creation is now here and it is all that matters.
- It is hard to belong with God’s people because it is hard trusting others without doubting their intentions and motives. This an encouragement to trust our faithful Christ. Apply to those who suffered betrayal from their love ones. We are called to love one another with the love God himself uses to love us sinners. Apply this to those who seem hopeless. Despair, loneliness, hardships are temporary living between two ages. They are passing away.
- It is hard to do in principle because we are used to relying on our understanding and strength. This serves as an exhortation to lead godly lives. Living between Two Ages means we need to mature and grow both in grace and knowledge. Spiritual discernment comes to those who continues to recognize their need of God’s sanctifying grace. This is where prayer comes in. This is where nurture between member come in. This is where seeking godly counsel comes in. This is where membership comes in. No Christian becomes holy alone by themselves. Holiness comes from God who himself is holy and shared by God’s people as his body, his church.
We do not have an old diary from a dead distant family which will tell us who we are and inspire us on how to live. No, we have the same living Word indwelt by the same living Spirit who enables his people to live in this reality with God. This is what living between two ages means. It is to live in communion with our Triune God.

- Milj Reblando
- Milj Reblando
- Milj Reblando
- Milj Reblando